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Corsic is a servant and personal butler of Princess Riley, a resident of Dargratt. He can often be found in the castle - he is usually staying there and rarely going out.



Corsic is an immoderately aged low dragon with yellow skin, bright blue eyes, and several pink horns arranged as a Mohawk or on the sides of the head.

Throughout the game, he is dressed in a short-sleeved vest, pants, shoes, and gloves. All of his clothes are beige, turquoise, and bright pink in color.


Corsic is a kind, emotional and impressionable dragon. He treats Michael well from the very beginning, often tells him stories from his life in the castle and sometimes helps him, for example, by advising him where he can earn money.

He loves to read, and can often be found in the castle with a book. Corsic knows about hairstyles and can change Michael's hairstyle at his request.

Corsic prefers a variety of dressy clothes, which are plentiful in his closet, as opposed to regular everyday clothes.



Corsic was born in Dargratt Castle and grew up alongside Princess Riley his entire life, being about the same age as her. His mother, having ties to King Karhen, placed him in the care of the royal family while she herself traveled to the Upper District.

Corsic is the princess's personal butler, whose duties include cleaning Riley's room, picking out clothes for her, and carrying her belongings from place to place. But in recent years, as Riley has become more independent, Corsic's job as her butler has become irrelevant. This has allowed him more free time to mess about and create a child-like personality.

Despite this, Riley and Corsic are still very close friends. At the castle, Corsic is treated almost like a member of the family; he has his own room that he lives in and actively uses. It is located in the west wing of the castle's first floor.

Though he is Riley's personal butler, he also has other duties such as cleaning the castle with the other servants. However, he is not very productive in this task and often uses his free time to read or fool around.


This section contains spoilers! Don't read ahead if you haven't completed the game yet.

Corsic's first appearance in the game occurs when Hass brings Michael to Karhen. Having read many books about humans in the library and desperate to see one for himself, Corsic excitedly rushes to hug Michael before he even meets the king.

After talking to Karhen, Corsic takes Michael to a room at his request, helps him get settled in, and soon leaves to let him sleep there.

When the player interacts with Corsic, he can tell fun facts about the kingdom, the people of Dargratt, the castle staff, or even himself, as well as help the player. He can be found in his room, in the west/east wing of the castle's first floor and in the castle lobby, where he sits as a secretary and keeps an eye on Michael if he passes by.

Corsic rarely goes outside and is usually in the castle. He leaves the castle for the first time at the end of the game to join Rufus in leading all the citizens of Dargratt to the castle.



Michael has been treated well by Corsic since his arrival at the castle. He knows about people from books, so he is eager to learn more about Michael. Throughout the game, he is always good-natured towards Michael, agreeing to help and befriending him.


Having lived with Riley since childhood, Corsic had become firm friends with her. They often played together when they were little and are still friends today.


It's likely that Karhen had little contact with Corsic after the queen's death, as with everyone else - they only see each other once in the game. However, based on the way Corsic is treated in the castle, he is clearly on good terms with the king.


  • His last name Biskit is a play on words from the word Biscuit.
  • Corsic can move quickly around the castle, making it seem like he is in several places at once. Even the castle's inhabitants notice this.
  • In one of his stories, Corsic mentions that he once dressed up for a feast at the castle because of the lack of maids at the castle.
  • In a conversation with Michael, Corsic can tell how many tapes or plush Corsics a player has collected.
  • The name Corsic is based on the name of the island of Corsica without the letter A[1].


Main article: Gallery (in-game)/Corsic

Corsic appeared fairly early in the game. It was designed by uglycoal's friend, and he himself, with her consent, adapted the design to Corsic's current appearance, making him more humanized.

Corsic's original design had more dragon-like legs and a tail - this is now gone. Instead of horns, he had webbed ears. Along with this, the colors of his clothes changed (from dark red to pink) and his body proportions changed.

There are concepts of Corsic's everyday clothes (he never appears in them during the whole game) - they are presented below in the gallery.



  1. From game's gallery: "The name Corsic was suggested to me by my friend, who merely removed the letter ‘a’ at the end of Corsica, the island."