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Eliza is a wandering, learning musician and a cameo character by Msnshame, a software/game developer and pixel artist.


A Solo Musician

Eliza was once in a band and was reportedly the star of the show, performing every night to a wide audience. Once the band broke up, for some unknown reason, she began to play on her own, applying in a contest to become the royal minstrel as of recent.


In the game, Eliza is seen in three places, near the king's castle, in the United District's Plaza, and the Water District. If Michael interacts with her, he has the option of either saying he likes Eliza's music or not. If he chooses to, he will then be complimented by Eliza throughout the game. If he choses to not like the music, then Eliza will be upset at Michael throughout the game. This decision does not have any impact on the story as whole.