Horse Brothers

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The Horse Brothers are citizens of Dargratt and the unofficial guards of the Forest District.


The Horse Brothers are seen sitting on a white carpet outside of the Forest District, they both stop Michael from entering the Forest District because they claim there is too much fog to see clearly and too many mosquitos to make it through safely.


The horse brothers, while both wearing similar outfits, are very distinct from each other. The taller brother (pictured on the left) has a white shirt with green pants underneath a green poncho displaying a plant-like pattern. He also wears dark green shorts above white socks with white shoes. His brown hair and tail are all bound by a green headband. His face consists of a white snout with brown nostrils, and his eyes are also white with a brown pupil.

The smaller brother (pictured on the right) also has has a white shirt with green pants underneath a green poncho displaying a plant-like pattern.