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The Shack is a tool shed nearby Mondealy.


The shack is a brown, wooden building with items such as saws, hammers and other things you would typically find in a tool shed. Michael mentions that most tools are gone because a friend of him took them. By taking the batteries in Michaels home and inserting them into the radio in the shack, the song 'Strange Frequency' will play. After doing this, the player can select 3 songs: Strange Frequency, ALLES1 and ALLES2. These songs can be switched between at any time by interacting with the radio. Music from the radio will only be heard while inside of the shack.


Description of the shack (Starting with ground and walls, ending with entrance(s) and exit(s). Left to right, top to bottom):

  • Wall-to-wall white-green carpet with wooden flooring underneath
  • Light-brown wooden wall
  • Lit candle or lamp on a small shelf
  • White bed with a yellow pillow and bedsheets which can be used to save
  • Tree with two leaves near the bottom starting at a hole in the floor and leaning through a wall
  • White Tube-shaped object(?)
  • Bench with a white sheet of sorts
  • Small rectangular table with an interactive radio and a coffee mug on it
  • Cat-shaped clock
  • Rectangular table with a yellow lampshade on a white lamp with a wire leading to behind the table and small power generator on top
  • Red square rug with a hatch underneath leading to Dargratt's cave system. Only accessible after leaving through here for the first time
  • Cuboid workbench with a hand saw, ruler, wrench, box and three small metal rods in a cup.
  • White fridge with handles and a freezer at the bottom
  • Door entrance/exit at the bottom


  • ALLES1 and ALLES2 are most likely made by Alles Sokolow considering the name of the songs and their involvement in making music for Mondealy.