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Froga is the alias of Jessie Black, a supposed apothecary who lives in the Water District. She runs a shop called "Buy Your Pleasure".


She wears a large blue coat, which surrounds her yellow-stained wife-beater. Her design also includes a pair of similarly colored shorts and shoes.

She is constantly drinking energy drinks, which causes her to dance around all the time.

Buy Your Pleasure

"Buy Your Pleasure" is the shop that Froga owns, located on the edge of the Water District. It seems to be a "drugstore" selling substances that were created by Froga herself via her chemistry equipment, most of these are very likely to be illegal in Dragratt law. This causes her to have trouble with law enforcement.


After returning the belongings of Michael back to its owner, Riley tells him that if he wants the gift that King Karhen has given him, he must go and retrieve her order from Froga.

After Michael arrives at "Buy Your Pleasure", he knocks on the front door. After a bit of chaos going inside, Froga manages to open the door and invites him inside. However, Michael unfortunately discovers that the order is not at all ready, and Froga needs him to buy the ingredients from "Potion 'n' Cures" so she can make Riley's order. Michael reluctantly agrees to, and he is given a shopping list and 14 coins.

When buying the ingredients, Michael hands over the shopping list to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper asks him if the list is from Froga, and after Michael says yes, the shopkeeper comments that Froga's handwriting is impossible to understand, but the order has been known by heart because most things on the list is illegal. The shopkeeper also assures Michael that it's just business, and sends him back with the items.

When Michael arrives back to Froga, she takes the ingredients and start the procedures, while Micheal dozes off. Michael is given the order, and he leaves the store.



While Riley refers to Froga as a "friend", she usually refer to Riley as "Princess" instead.


Inside the large pile of paper in Rufus' house, there is a old photo of Rufus and Froga in their young, "punk", days. This suggest that they were likely friends once upon a time.
