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Rufus is a citizen of Dargratt who lives in the United District. He has a strange amulet that seems to have mystical powers.


He has been arrested several times by Hass for doing questionable things, such as destroying the Upper District administration building with a homemade rocket.

Judging by the homemade stuff outside of his house, the rockets lodged into the wall between his house and his neighbour's, and the information above, he likely has some experience building things.

Rufus is the most "aware" of the characters, he seems to know when Michael is coming to visit him and even tells Michael to stop pressing the "use" button because he's too lazy to think up more text entries.


After leaving the Castle for the first time with Hass, Michael meets Rufus in the United District on his way to the surface. He is seen talking to himself about a certain combination: "2 to the right, 2 to the front, 4 to the right and 1 to the front".

His second encounter takes place after Froga asks Michael to get ingredients for her potion. On the way to the store, Michael is stopped by Rufus, who is stuck in his basement. However, Rufus steals Michael's money as he approaches and tells him that he will only give it back to Michael if he goes to his house and gets the keys to free him. After freeing Rufus, he gives Michael back his money and offers him a place to rest in his house.

The Maze

When entering his house for the first time, there is a huge maze where the rooms keep repeating for some unknown reason. It is also implied that there is something that can attack wanderers in these rooms, which is confirmed by the notes found in the maze and by Rufus himself, but is never seen in-game. Using the combination Rufus repeated over and over during Michael's first visit to Dargratt will lead to Rufus' room. After completing Rufus' quest, he gives Michael an amulet that allows him to return to the maze by entering his house while holding it.


Rufus is named after and somewhat inspired by the character of the same name from the game Deponia.