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Katrina is a character that is seen exclusively in Dargratt's castle. She is seen paired with her best friend, Katrina.


Seen in the castle's hallway, Katrina and Evelyn are best friends that ask you some questions on who is better. They claim that this competition will help improve their friendship, to have fun with a new visitor, and to understand which of their preferences is the "correct" one. They both find your name through Corsic, who claims that Evelyn and Katrina are here every day.


The following questions are all of the questions Katrina and Evelyn ask you in the castle:

  • Which one of us do you think is prettier?
  • Which color do you like more, green or yellow?
  • Muffins or pancakes?
  • What is better: careful and shy or passionate and dynamic
  • Upper District or Water District? If you have been there, of course.
  • Do you... Like Corsic? Our cute dragon boy here.
  • Are you happy with your time spent here so far?


Katrina is a bird with white feathers, two big clumps of hair in the back, and a brownish shade around her eyes. She has an orange beck, round eyes with a long brown pupil, and yellow earrings hanging of the side of her head.