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Archived pages created before full game release. Content here may or may not be outdated.

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This page is about the game. For the demo, see Mondealy: Day One. For the location, see Mondealy (Location).

Mondealy is a heavily story-based pixel RPG about Michael; an ordinary human discovering the underground kingdom of Dargratt.


Mondealy: Day One

This page is about the demo. For the full version, see Mondealy. For the location, see Mondealy (Location).

Mondealy: Day One is the official demo of Mondealy.


Michael is a human character living in Mondealy. He is the main protagonist.


Michael is portrayed as a Caucasian young adult male in his early 20's.<ref>From the Mondealy Discord:
Cullionly: what age is michael
uglycoal: early 20's
screenshot</ref> He has brown hair (Ordinary Ordinariness style), wears a bright, yellow button-shirt, and dark blue trousers.

At the beginning of the game, a human figure (Traveler), enters Dan's Tavern wearing a large trench coat and an old fedora. The same costume can be found in Michael's house,<ref>Michael: "It's my old fedora. Perhaps... but no. No, I ain't going out like that."</ref> which suggests that Michael and "Traveler" could be the same person.


  • Chelsy - mentor(?)
  • Dary - childhood friend, neighbor<ref>In the journal notes, Michael states, "[...] my friend Dary, who lives next door." Dary is also Michael's actual neighbor</ref>
  • Ellie - sister<ref>Barney: "Though, I am afraid I have to leave tomorrow. On the other hand, your sister [Ellie] will stay here for the whole summer, and I won't bother her with our projects for now."
    Ellie: "Hey bro, isn't it great to do absolutely nothing?"</ref>
  • Riley - associate


  • Michael clothes are mainly inspired by Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.<ref>uglycoal: mainly his clothes are inspired by Spike Spiegel
  • Michael is implied to have heterochromia, which means he has two different eye colors.<ref>Water Mouse: "Are your eyes different colors or something? But I admit, they're beautiful."</ref>
  • Michael is a blank slate protagonist, meaning that he is mostly a normal guy with no big special attributes. He also has symptoms of Main Character syndrome, though this is more of an easter egg.<ref>Michael: "I'm the main character, I've got no time to waste."</ref>


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Dary is a good friend of Michael and citizen of Mondealy.


Placeholder text lol


Dary's appearance is slightly inspired by Dr. Mary Lou LaRue from "Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who!"


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Riley is the (supposed?) princess of Dargratt, due to her being Karhen's daughter.




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Corsic is a servant and personal butler of Princess Riley. He is usually seen cleaning the castle or messing around.


Corsic was born in Dargratt Castle and grew up alongside Princess Riley for all her life. Despite being about the same age as Riley, he is her personal butler. His duties as her butler include cleaning Riley's room, picking clothes for her, and moving her items from place to place. In later years, as Princess Riley has become more independent, Corsic's job as Riley's butler has become more and more obsolete. As a result, he has been given more and more time over the past few years to mess about and create a child-like personality. Despite his obsolete status in the castle, Corsic and Riley are still regarded as extremely close friends. Corsic has been treated almost like family in the castle, receiving his own room to live in and actively use. His room currently resides on the west wing of the first floor of Dargratt Castle. Despite being explicitly Princess Riley's personal butler, he has also been seen doing other tasks, such as substituting for one of King Karhen's banquet maids when a butler was absent that day. Another one of his duties as a butler when he is not serving Princess Riley is to clean the castle alongside other castle servants. He isn't very productive on this task, however, and he often uses this as free time to read or mess around. Finally, he can also be seen as the castle's receptionist, staring at Michael as he moves around the reception room. It is unclear what his duties as a receptionist are.

Corsic's first appearance in the game itself is when Michael is brought before King Karhen by Hass. Having read numerous books about humans in the library, and desperately wanting to see one for himself, Corsic excitedly rushes to hug Michael before King Karhen could even have the chance to be introduced to him. He was instantly apologetic to the king for his unruly behavior and remains silent throughout the remaining altercation between Hass, Riley, Michael, and Karhen. After the incident, Corsic can be seen throughout the castle doing various activities throughout the castle, such as reading, cleaning, or even messing around. When the player interacts with Corsic, they can be given some fun facts about the kingdom, local townsfolk, castle staff, or even background information on Corsic himself. In his last appearance, after Michael completes the main quest, Corsic assigns Michael to his room, instructed to do so by King Karhen himself. After Corsic gives some information about the room he is situated in, Corsic then leaves the room to let Michael sleep in his newly assigned bed.


Princess Riley

Corsic and Princess Riley have been very close friends since they were children.


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Charles Hass is a member of the Dargratt royal guard and the first character you meet in the underground kingdom of Dargratt.


Hass is well known all over Dargratt and a close friend of King Karhen. His connections to the king and the royal family has allowed Hass to become a prominent member of the royal guard and his very own room within the castle. However, he still has many duties throughout the kingdom, and is often gone for most of the game. He has the ability to arrest and take them into the castle for questioning. Most notably, he has arrested a meerkat named Rufus on multiple occasions, one of which was for launching an illegal rocket that ended up damaging an upper administration building. However, Hass doesn’t show any signs of pressing any sort of charges against Rufus, and soon enough, he is set free. He also has access to the dungeon and all entrances and exits to and from Dargratt.

This is seen in Hass’s first appearance where he and Riley kidnap Michael and force him into the Dargratt Dungeon. After a few short questions, he lets Michael go and takes him to the castle where he presents Michael to King Karhen and Princess Riley. He is then instructed to take Michael back to the surface through one of the exits. Along the way, he allows Michael to roam around and interact with the local townsfolk, even at his own risk. He hopes to create a positive relationship with Michael and fully trusts everyone to be nice and civil to one another along the way. He provides more information about the United District and the citizens in it. After Michael proceeds to the exit, Hass gives him a final instruction on what to do and where to go for tomorrow's dinner with King Karhen and then lets Michael leave. His last appearance occurs in King Karhen's dinner, where he is one of the attendees.

His room also makes an appearance at the end of the right hallway on the castle’s first floor. Inside, there is a neatly arranged stand of royal armor, right next to another empty stand. There is also an empty desk, a shut dresser, and a neatly made bed. The tidiness of the room can imply that he either does not stay in this room very often, or he tidies his room frequently.


While Hass is based off of no bird in particular, he very distinctly has white feathers from head to toe with a back streak for his feathers on his head, a dark shading behind his eyes, and a yellow beak. His eyes are a plain white with a long rectangular dark pupil. Around his head is a golden-plated royal band that indicates his royal guard status. He currently displays two uniforms, but he has only been seen wearing one. The uniform he has been seen wearing is light brown with a golden collar in the front and shoulder pads along the middle and to the back of his collar and shoulders. The shoulder pads also hold up his cape, which spans shoulder to shoulder wide and stretches down to his dark brown boots. His second uniform that is on display in his room, shows a light blue uniform with a golden collar and golden armholes with a golden streak hanging from both sleeves. However, his second uniform does not show any kind of footwear.


King Karhen

While it is still unclear how Hass became a member of the Royal Guard, Karhen seems to be a major reason why. Hass and Karhen have known each other for a long time and agree on many things, despite their differences in class.

Princess Riley

Although he is friends with most the Royal Family, he still gets a lot of hostility from Riley. Unlike her father, she does not believe that humans can be trusted and gets angry at Hass for letting Michael out of Draggat's dungeon and into Draggat's castle. Hass always takes Karhen's side on every argument Riley and Karhen have. He even mocks her at points, believing she is an overdramatic, spoiled princess who likes to make a scene every chance she gets.


Despite only meeting Michael for the first time, Hass completely trusts him to make the right decisions and let's you interact with all the inhabitants of the United District, even giving you further insight and background information on the town itself.


Corsic and Hass don't speak very often, but Corsic can still tell Hass is a pretty nice man. However, he is not sure about Hass's origins, he assumes the reason why Hass became part of the Royal Guard was through his friendship with King Karhen. Hass on the other hand, doesn't talk about Corsic very much, and never mentions his thoughts on him even when Corsic and Michael first meet.


In an achievement of the game, Michael pushes Batty off of him despite Hass warning him that she will bite. Michael pushes her off anyways and gets bit on the arm. She then refers over to Hass telling him to converse with Michael about his actions.


  • Hass' name is inspired by Kass from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


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Ellie is Micheal's sister.

She is to be scrapped for the full game release.

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Froga is the alias of Jessie Black, a supposed apothecary who lives in the Water District. She runs a shop called "Buy Your Pleasure".


She wears a large blue coat, which surrounds her yellow-stained wife-beater. Her design also includes a pair of similarly colored shorts and shoes.

She is constantly drinking energy drinks, which causes her to dance around all the time.

Buy Your Pleasure

"Buy Your Pleasure" is the shop that Froga owns, located on the edge of the Water District. It seems to be a "drugstore" selling substances that were created by Froga herself via her chemistry equipment, most of these are very likely to be illegal in Dragratt law. This causes her to have trouble with law enforcement.


After returning the belongings of Michael back to its owner, Riley tells him that if he wants the gift that King Karhen has given him, he must go and retrieve her order from Froga.

After Michael arrives at "Buy Your Pleasure", he knocks on the front door. After a bit of chaos going inside, Froga manages to open the door and invites him inside. However, Michael unfortunately discovers that the order is not at all ready, and Froga needs him to buy the ingredients from "Potion 'n' Cures" so she can make Riley's order. Michael reluctantly agrees to, and he is given a shopping list and 14 coins.

When buying the ingredients, Michael hands over the shopping list to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper asks him if the list is from Froga, and after Michael says yes, the shopkeeper comments that Froga's handwriting is impossible to understand, but the order has been known by heart because most things on the list is illegal. The shopkeeper also assures Michael that it's just business, and sends him back with the items.

When Michael arrives back to Froga, she takes the ingredients and start the procedures, while Micheal dozes off. Michael is given the order, and he leaves the store.



While Riley refers to Froga as a "friend", she usually refer to Riley as "Princess" instead.


Inside the large pile of paper in Rufus' house, there is a old photo of Rufus and Froga in their young, "punk", days. This suggest that they were likely friends once upon a time.


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Water cat or what the community Call it (Coti) was named water cat as a dev placeholder name.


Coti is interested in the surface as we all saw her in the water district she want to talk to humans soo badly and write all they think of everything.


Rufus is a citizen of Dargratt who lives in the United District. He has a strange amulet that seems to have mystical powers.


He has been arrested several times by Hass for doing questionable things, such as destroying the Upper District administration building with a homemade rocket.

Judging by the homemade stuff outside of his house, the rockets lodged into the wall between his house and his neighbour's, and the information above, he likely has some experience building things.

Rufus is the most "aware" of the characters, he seems to know when Michael is coming to visit him and even tells Michael to stop pressing the "use" button because he's too lazy to think up more text entries.


After leaving the Castle for the first time with Hass, Michael meets Rufus in the United District on his way to the surface. He is seen talking to himself about a certain combination: "2 to the right, 2 to the front, 4 to the right and 1 to the front".

His second encounter takes place after Froga asks Michael to get ingredients for her potion. On the way to the store, Michael is stopped by Rufus, who is stuck in his basement. However, Rufus steals Michael's money as he approaches and tells him that he will only give it back to Michael if he goes to his house and gets the keys to free him. After freeing Rufus, he gives Michael back his money and offers him a place to rest in his house.

The Maze

When entering his house for the first time, there is a huge maze where the rooms keep repeating for some unknown reason. It is also implied that there is something that can attack wanderers in these rooms, which is confirmed by the notes found in the maze and by Rufus himself, but is never seen in-game. Using the combination Rufus repeated over and over during Michael's first visit to Dargratt will lead to Rufus' room. After completing Rufus' quest, he gives Michael an amulet that allows him to return to the maze by entering his house while holding it.


Rufus is named after and somewhat inspired by the character of the same name from the game Deponia.


Batty is a bat. She is seen in the United District of Dargratt.


Seen resting on a ledge upside down, Michael can either push the bat off the ledge of leave her alone. When pushed off, the bat bites the player, with the bat scolding Hass if he is around when the decision occurs and warns the player to never do such a thing again before disappearing. This is how the achievement Provocateur is earned.


Eliza is a wandering, learning musician and a cameo character by Msnshame.


A Solo Musician

Eliza was once in a band and was reportedly the star of the show, performing every night to a wide audience. Once the band broke up, for some unknown reason, she began to play on her own, applying in a contest to become the royal minstrel as of recent.


In the game, Eliza is seen in three places, near the king's castle, in the United District's Plaza, and the Water District. If Michael interacts with her, he has the option of either saying he likes Eliza's music or not. If he chooses to, he will then be complimented by Eliza throughout the game. If he choses to not like the music, then Eliza will be upset at Michael throughout the game. This decision does not have any impact on the story as whole.


Katrina and Evelyn are characters seen exclusively in Dargratt's castle.


Seen in the castle's hallway, Katrina and Evelyn are best friends that ask you some questions on who is better. They claim that this competition will help improve their friendship, to have fun with a new visitor, and to understand which of their preferences is the "correct" one. They both find your name through Corsic, who claims that Evelyn and Katrina are here every day.


The following questions are all of the questions Katrina and Evelyn ask you in the castle:

  • Which one of us do you think is prettier?
  • Which color do you like more, green or yellow?
  • Muffins or pancakes?
  • What is better: careful and shy or passionate and dynamic
  • Upper District or Water District? If you have been there, of course.
  • Do you... Like Corsic? Our cute dragon boy here.
  • Are you happy with your time spent here so far?


Katrina is a bird with white feathers, two big clumps of hair in the back, and a brownish shade around her eyes. She has an orange beck, round eyes with a long brown pupil, and yellow earrings hanging of the side of her head.


Evelyn is a character seen exclusively in Dargratt's castle. She is seen paired with her best friend, Katrina.


Seen in the castle's hallway, Katrina and Evelyn are best friends that ask you some questions on who is better. They claim that this competition will help improve their friendship, to have fun with a new visitor, and to understand which of their preferences is the "correct" one. They both find your name through Corsic, who claims that Evelyn and Katrina are here every day.


The following questions are all of the questions Katrina and Evelyn ask you in the castle:

  • Which one of us do you think is prettier?
  • Which color do you like more, green or yellow?
  • Muffins or pancakes?
  • What is better: careful and shy or passionate and dynamic
  • Upper District or Water District? If you have been there, of course.
  • Do you... Like Corsic? Our cute dragon boy here.
  • Are you happy with your time spent here so far?


Evelyn is a crocodile with light green skin, green hair, and dark green eyebrows. Her eyes are white with dark green shading around it and a dark green pupil. She also has a smile that extends throughout most of her snout, and earrings that extend out of the sides of her head. Her outfit consists of a pink shirt with red straps and blue jeans.


Kai is a pink axolotl.


In the game, Kai reaches out to Michael before he enters the Water District to warn him about the District's unsafe conditions. He has no dialogue or interaction outside of this one.

Horse Brothers

The Horse Brothers are citizens of Dargratt and the unofficial guards of the Forest District.


The Horse Brothers are seen sitting on a white carpet outside of the Forest District, they both stop Michael from entering the Forest District because they claim there is too much fog to see clearly and too many mosquitos to make it through safely.


The horse brothers, while both wearing similar outfits, are very distinct from each other. The taller brother (pictured on the left) has a white shirt with green pants underneath a green poncho displaying a plant-like pattern. He also wears dark green shorts above white socks with white shoes. His brown hair and tail are all bound by a green headband. His face consists of a white snout with brown nostrils, and his eyes are also white with a brown pupil.

The smaller brother (pictured on the right) also has has a white shirt with green pants underneath a green poncho displaying a plant-like pattern.


Traveler is mysterious character in Mondealy, believed to be Michael

Mondealy (Location)

This page is about the location. For the game, see Mondealy. For the demo, see Mondealy: Day One.

Mondealy is a small town located somewhere in the Eurasia region.


Dargratt is an underworld city with anthropomorphic animals as it's residents.

United District

The United District is the main, central district in Dargratt.

Upper District

The Upper District is a currently inaccessible district in the demo.


Forest District

The Forest District is a currently inaccessible district in the demo.


Water District

The Water District is a slum, forgotten, and ignored district in left (Most likely west) Dargratt.


The district is "filthy, muggy, and dangerous" with unreliable infrastructure, water pollution, and mostly rather unfriendly inhabitants. A crocodile gang rules the area and blocks Michael from entering the top left corner of the neighborhood.

Originally, the district was "clean, peaceful...", as the citizens were still working to create products and take care of the water. However, after the death of Queen Veretta (supposedly poisoned), the entire area fell into chaos, as the stability of the government was essentially held together by the Queen and King Karhen ("a total charlatan"). The King did nothing to ease the situation and only reassured the people of the Water District that everything would be fine. This created a gap between local residents and monarchy with the Upper District.


The Shack is a tool shed nearby Mondealy


The shack is a brown, wooden building with items such as saws, hammers and other things you would typically find in a tool shed. Michael mentions that most tools are gone because a friend of him took them. By taking the batteries in Michaels home and inserting them into the radio in the shack, the song 'Strange Frequency' will play. After doing this, the player can select 3 songs: Strange Frequency, ALLES1 and ALLES2. These songs can be switched between at any time by interacting with the radio. Music from the radio will only be heard while inside of the shack.


Description of the shack (Starting with ground and walls, ending with entrance(s) and exit(s). Left to right, top to bottom):

  • Wall-to-wall white-green carpet with wooden flooring underneath
  • Light-brown wooden wall
  • Lit candle or lamp on a small shelf
  • White bed with a yellow pillow and bedsheets which can be used to save
  • Tree with two leaves near the bottom starting at a hole in the floor and leaning through a wall
  • White Tube-shaped object(?)
  • Bench with a white sheet of sorts
  • Small rectangular table with an interactive radio and a coffee mug on it
  • Cat-shaped clock
  • Rectangular table with a yellow lampshade on a white lamp with a wire leading to behind the table and small power generator on top
  • Red square rug with a hatch underneath leading to Dargratt's cave system. Only accessible after leaving through here for the first time
  • Cuboid workbench with a hand saw, ruler, wrench, box and three small metal rods in a cup.
  • White fridge with handles and a freezer at the bottom
  • Door entrance/exit at the bottom


  • ALLES1 and ALLES2 are most likely made by Alles Sokolow considering the name of the songs and their involvement in making music for Mondealy.

This page is about the demo's achievements. For the full game's achievements, see Achievements. List of all Mondealy: Day One achievements in alphabetical order

Ah My Muse.png Ah, My Muse You've collected all available Corsic plushies - congratulations!
(4 Corsic plushies can be found in Riley's bedroom, Rufus' Pocket Dimension, the beach entrance to Water District and outside Froga's shop)
Eavesdropping.png Eavesdropping Those numbers were not just gibberish, but a combination of doors, what a surprise! If you play for the first time, of course.
(Enter the doors in Rufus' Pocket Dimension in this order: 2 Right, 2 Forward, 4 Right, 1 Forward)
Euclid Minded.png Euclid Minded That door does not lead to the street anymore. Don't even try.
(Open southern (backwards) door in Rufus' Pocket Dimension)
Grabby Hands.png Grabby Hands No item from the Tower was your property, yet they are in your pockets. That'll be our little secret.
(Grab the knife from the tower and the tiara from the cave)
Heartbreaker.png Heartbreaker One less couple in the city, no one will even notice! Right?
(Don't cooperate with the snake guy in the plaza)
Nahhts.png Need a helping hand to save? You've saved in a very interesting place.
(Save in Corsic's bedroom)
Pocket Forest.png Pocket Forest Perhaps you have collected too much logs. Why do you need that much?
(Collect 42 logs from Mondealy's Beach. Reload the logs by going in and out of the beach area)
Police Assistant.png Police Assistant You've happened to be around, when Chelsy needed help with her documents. Fortunate!
(Speak to Chelsy in Mondealy's Police Station and agree to help. Go out of the Police Station, find the papers outside in Mondealy, and return them to her)
Provocateur.png Provocateur You got what you deserved, for crossing bat's personal borders! Yea, you may continue not to think, before doing something.
(Wake up the bat in Dargratt's Plaza)
Radio Enthusiast.png Radio Enthusiast Batteries and radio combine into a working radio, unsuprisingly. Enjoy the music.
(Grab the battery from Michael's bedroom (Mondealy, not Dargratt) and use them on the radio in the Shack)
Savior of Shy.png Savior of Shy That snake guy from the plaza found an extraordinary way to proceed with his date. You decided to cooperate. Wish them luck!
SftOW.png Stories from the Outer World You've found all of the notes from the wanderer, whose fate remains a question. A question with rather obvious answer.
(May take a while. Go from door to door in Rufus' Pocket Dimension and read any and all notes you see until you've read all 8 notes)
SQSA.png Simple Questions - Simple Answers You've answered all of Katrina and Evelyn's questions in the Castle.